Life Purpose Coaching Getting Started


Lynne Lee Online Coach

Now all you need to do is to watch for an email with Life Purpose Discovery Coaching Access Details in the subject line so that you can get started.

I’m delighted that you’re ready to identify your life purpose and your calling and that you’ve chosen to invite me along to guide you on this journey of discovery. I count it an honour and a privilege.

I recommend you create a folder on your desktop and keep any resources you download there so you will easily be able to find things when you want them.

Ready to get started now?

This is where we examine your expectations of this program, what you want to achieve, and what accomplishing that will give you.

Just right click and select ‘save target as’ to save this document to your computer. Then answer the questions in your journal.

Getting started with your life purpose coaching

Congratulations on making the decision to invest in yourself, your relationship with God, and the dream the Lord has put on your heart.

Blessings to hear God and for inspiration, favour, wisdom and increase!

Lynne Lee
Breakthrough Life Coach